How to install Pyecog ================================== While there is a package on pip, this has not been updated for a while, and will not work (probably). Please do not use it! Also, please make sure to download the Development branch in the steps below. Installation procedure with a conda environment (recommended) --------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Create a conda enviroment ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ First Install Anaconda ( Choose the Python 3 version for your operating system (Linux, Windows, or OS X). You can also use the Python 2 version, but be sure to use python=3.5 for the conda environment (next step). Next make a new conda environment and install the dependencies for pyecog. To do this open a either the anaconda prompt if on windows or terminal if mac or linux and type or copy (triple click is helpful here).:: conda create --name pyecog_env python=3.5 jupyter=1 scipy=0.18.1 numpy=1.11.2 scikit-learn=0.18.1 pandas=0.19.2 matplotlib=2 seaborn=0.7.1 h5py=2.8.0 xlrd=1 pyqt=5.6 numba=0.37.0 Follow the prompts in the terminal window, and when finished activate the environment you have just created. If on windows, type 'activate pyecog_env', or mac/linux 'source activate pyecog_env':: source activate pyecog_env # or just "activate pyecog_env" if you are on windows Then install pyqtgraph:: pip install pyqtgraph==0.10 2. Download Pyecog from Github ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Click on the green "clone or download" button on the top right of the github project page: Download the zip file and extract it somewhere on your computer. 3. Running the Graphical Interface ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Navigate to the folder where you have extracted Pyecog in anaconda prompt/ terminal - e.g cd ~/Desktop/pyecog-Development. The command 'cd' is for change directory. Activate your python environment if needed. If on windows, type 'activate pyecog_env', or mac/linux 'source activate pyecog_env':: activate pyecog_env # or "source activate pyecog_env" if on a mac Finally run the gui with:: python Installing without a virtual python environment ------------------------------------------------ Instead of:: conda create --name pyecog_env python=3.5 jupyter=1 scipy=0.18.1 numpy=1.11.2 scikit-learn=0.18.1 pandas=0.19.2 matplotlib=2 seaborn=0.7.1 h5py=2.8.0 xlrd=1 pyqt=5.6 numba=0.37.0 Replace with:: conda install jupyter=1 scipy=0.18.1 numpy=1.11.2 scikit-learn=0.18.1 pandas=0.19.2 matplotlib=2 seaborn=0.7.1 h5py=2.8.0 xlrd=1 pyqt=5.6 numba=0.37.0 And then do not activate an enviroment. Follow other steps as before.