How to install Pyecog

Note, there is a package on pip, however this has not been updated for a while, and will not work (probably). When the module is more stable I will release on pip.

Installing without a virtual python environment

Replace step 2 with simply::
conda install jupyter=1 scipy=0.18.1 numpy=1.11.2 scikit-learn=0.17.1 pandas=0.19.2 matplotlib=2 seaborn=0.7.1 h5py=2.6.0 xlrd=1 pyqt=5.6 pip install pyqtgraph==0.10

And then do not activate an enviroment before

Installing with pip

This is for when the software is more developed. Reccomended to make the conda enviroment as before.

1 . After step 2 above, run:

pip install pyecog
  1. Ignore step 3. Open command window and activate the pyecog_env environment if you are using it. Type “pyecog” into the prompt. The Gui should load.